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September 6th, 2005

NAPO Relief Fund for New Orleans Police

I just got this from the Detectives’ Endowment Association.



The union representing New York City’s police detectives has made a $50,000 donation to aid police in New Orleans and says the NAPO Relief Fund, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, is the most appropriate place to send donations to New Orleans beleaguered police officers and their families. Michael J. Palladino, President of the Detectives Endowment Association of New York City and Vice President of NAPO (the National Association of Police Organizations) says this fund was set up years ago to aid in such emergencies. “Our brother and sister police officers in New Orleans are currently carrying a double burden: the job of trying to maintain law and order in a devastated major American city, all the while trying to cope with their own pain and loss– of their homes, families, friends, and their town. This is the worst imaginable scenario police officers can face.

“As the Vice President of NAPO, I urge caring New Yorkers to consider the special needs of New Orleans police at this time. There may be many organizations that claim to assist the police, but if you donate, you should do so with confidence. The Police Association of New Orleans, the organization representing New Orleans police force, is working with NAPO’s Relief Fund to ensure that your donations will go directly to their members in need.”

The National Association of Police Organizations is a Washington, DC based coalition of police unions and associations from across the United States. NAPO serves to advance the interests of America’s law enforcement officers through legislative and legal advocacy, political action and education. Both the NYC Detectives Endowment Association (DEA) and the Police Association of New Orleans (PANO) were founding members of NAPO when the organization first formed in 1978. Donations can be made by check or credit card. Donation forms can be downloaded from or donations can be sent directly to the NAPO Relief Fund, c/o NAPO, 750 First Street, NE, Suite 920, Washington, DC 20002-4241. Donations to the NAPO Relief Fund are tax deductible.

For More Information Contact:
Michael J. Palladino, President (212) 587-1000
Sam Katz (212) 587-1000
26 Thomas Street New York, NY 10007
Phone (212) 587-1000 FAX (212) 732- 4863

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3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Kim Mucci // Sep 20, 2005 at 8:55 am

    I am contacting you on behalf of the MANCHESTER, NH POLICEMEN’S WIVES ASSOCIATION and am looking in getting more information on how we can help the New Orleans Police Officers in this awful & unfortunate time of need. Is there food, clothing, ANYTHING we can do to help these guys (and girls)?? I saw a policeman & his wife in New Orleans took in their fellow officers after Katrina & are feeding them & giving them a place to stay. Isn’t that so generous? Maybe we could help them? Please let me know. Thank you so much, Kim Mucci

  • 2 Stacy Horn // Sep 20, 2005 at 10:22 am

    I’m going to email as well, in case this person does not come back, but everything I have read discourages sending supplies, and encourages sending money. Here is the form for the National Association of Police Organization relief fund. According to the DEA’s press release, “The Police Association of New Orleans, the organization representing New OrleansÕ police force, is working with NAPOÕs Relief Fund to ensure that your donations will go directly to their members in need.Ó

    However, I can understand wanting to help in a more direct way.

    You might try contacting Rhonda McCord. I got this address from the NAPO website. A thank you letter from Ms. McCord was posted there, saying to write her here as there was no postal mail to New Orleans at the time, and they were getting their mail here.

    Rhonda McCord
    Executive Assistant
    Police Association of New Orleans
    13544 Minou Avenue, Baton Rouge, La. 70809

    Last, according this website, due to the generous response to house displaced officers and their families, they now had more housing than they needed!

  • 3 Stacy Horn // Oct 10, 2005 at 10:02 am

    I deleted a comment because I thought it was spam, but it wasn’t. It was a comment that was critical of the New Orleans Police because of a story that just came out about officers repeatedly punching a 64 year old man.

    I apologize for deleting the comment. People are entitled to their opinion. I tried to recover it, but couldn’t.