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November 6th, 2006

Providence Considers Establishing a Cold Case Squad

esserman2.jpg “It’s not just about taking this old case off the shelf,” says Andy Rosenzweig, director of Cold Case Forum in Newport, RI. “It’s about what are they doing now.” That’s a quote from this article about a possible new cold case unit in Rhode Island.

The picture is of Col. Dean M. Esserman, the Providence police chief. Interesting guy. I found this bio on the Vera Institute of Justice website:

Dean M. Esserman (2005) is chief of police of the Providence Police Department and one of only a handful of federally appointed police monitors in the nation. He also serves as a member of the board of directors of the Police Executive Research Forum, a policing think tank. From 1998 to 2001, he led the Stamford, Connecticut, Police Department as its chief; and from 1993 to 1998, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority Metro North Police Department in New York as its chief. He was assistant chief of police in New Haven, Connecticut, from 1991 to 1993 and counsel to Chief William Bratton of the New York City Transit Police from 1987 to 1991. He began his career as an assistant district attorney in Brooklyn, New York.

Quite the achiever!

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6 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Karen martin // Jul 22, 2019 at 6:57 pm

    My nephew arthur olink and his best friend Matthew cpyr were murdered in Providence a double murder in Providence it was behind the Boys & Girls Club and it is a cold case and I also would like this to be in the cold case files and if you need to contact me this is his aunt and my phone number is 401-696-5887 thank you

  • 2 Stacy Horn // Aug 4, 2019 at 4:46 pm

    Karen, I’m so sorry about the terrible loss of your nephew. I’d suggest reading through my list of instructions listed here:

    Not all of the instructions will apply to your particular situation, please just take what is useful, and then I recommend reaching out to Major David A. Lapatin. He is the Commanding Officer of the Providence Police Department investigative unit which includes cold cases. His number and email: 401-243-6111,

  • 3 Robert trindade // May 22, 2021 at 10:04 am

    Hello, I was Matts best friend when we where little kids from 9-14 years old…we lived on maple st in the village in Cranston, I lost touch with him when he moved to Warwick so long ago, I never new your nephew though I was told he lived in the village also back then… I was heartbroken when I found out about the murders, couldn’t believe it and sad bc I didn’t find out until a year or so after the incident…what bothers me is the lack of attention that case has gotten throughout the years…and the one article I can find is so vague and it is by a surnamed person who has a blog on the Rhode Islander, not the news which I find odd…I tried a few years back to do my own investigating into what happened and found that some of the people that I knew that were still in touch with Matt gave me different theories and people that they thought could have done it…the only reason I even found this blog was I was so used to typing in Matts name, this time I just typed Arthurs and found your comment…so besides your comment the Rhode Islander is the only online info there is on it, and it doesn’t tell much. I would like to help in anyway I can, I’m just baffled at how much time has passed w/out answers…I don’t know for sure what Matt was or wasn’t involved in during that period of his life, but this case should never be “swept under the rug”…years ago I started a facebook page called who killed Matt Cyr but unfortunately it got no attention from my “friends” online…anyway, I am so sorry for the loss of Arthur and if you ever want to talk you can call me at 944-0829. God Bless Rob Trindade

  • 4 Stacy Horn // May 22, 2021 at 10:31 am

    Robert, I sent this post to Karen in case she doesn’t come back to see it.

  • 5 Carla Austin // Jun 23, 2021 at 2:18 pm


    I keep reading that this blog is retiring. Is this true? I have started a true crime blog, podcast, and website. It is taking longer than I expected but it is just me and before I do anything I have to research whatever it is and then act. I have taught myself everything that I know about computers, software programs, researching, editing, images. Videos, marketing, advertising l, etc. Could anyone on the site help me and mentor me, teach me stuff and I will dedicate myself to carrying in your hardworking for as long as I am physically able. Also, I investigate cold cases too. Does anyone know of a cold case I could review, and map geographical area, search for anything odd and for things that may gave been missed, then I would interview everyone that was interviewed then Ii would search for anyone that had hor missed and interview them. I love investigating cases, ease help me to find a cold case that I can investigate, and I will help any one on this site with almost anything they need. Please message me back soon

  • 6 Stacy Horn // Jun 25, 2021 at 10:48 am

    Carla, good luck with your efforts. I would consider exploring and sites like it.

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