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January 16th, 2007

The Number of Unsolved Murders in New York City


There are now 9,082 unsolved murders in New York City going back to 1985. That figure is a moving target of course. They are adding to that number all the time. Roughly 150 – 200 or more murders go cold every year, and try as they might, they are not going back and solving that many each year (of the older, cold cases).

That picture was take at one of the Property Clerk warehouses. Those barrels contain homicide evidence.

Attention!  If you have a friend or loved one whose murder is still unsolved and you want to know what to do, please read this:

People ask repeatedly in the comments section about what to do or who to call about an unsolved murder. The answer to those questions are on the left under the heading, Getting Help – Contacting a Cold Case Squad. First read the document titled Before You Contact a Cold Case Squad. Then look up the number in the document Cold Case Squad and Other Organizations.

If you can’t find a number for your city or town, call your local police department and ask them if they have a cold case squad or a person in their homicide squad who specializes in cold cases. If they don’t then ask to speak to someone in their homicide squad. If you don’t get what you believe is a decent response, then go to the document on the left titled, Escalating Your Case.

If you have specific questions after reading through these instructions please ask here, but come back to see the answer!

→ 783 CommentsTags: Homicide Facts ·

783 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Celimar Melendez // Sep 2, 2015 at 12:14 pm

    My father was murdered on 7/18/98. He was a cab driver and during the time he was killed, there were many livery drivers being robbed and killed. My father’s death was chucked to that but even the detectives working the case felt my father was set up … Please help me, I have contacted previous precinct in charge, written letters and no luck. Please help!

  • 2 Stacy Horn // Sep 2, 2015 at 3:03 pm

    I’m so sorry about your father. I edited your post because I didn’t think it was a good idea to post some of that publicly. Here’s the problem, it’s one thing to think you know who was responsible, it’s another thing to prove it. The detectives cannot make arrests and take people to court without evidence. Have you discussed this with the detectives? Have they explained why they haven’t made an arrest? Is there something specific you believe they could be doing that they are not, like talk to someone, or perform a certain test?

  • 3 Stacy Horn // Sep 2, 2015 at 3:08 pm

    I’m not sure what you are asking. Whose family, the father’s? Has your friend asked her mother? If that avenue is closed there are a number of things your friend can do, but I’d need more information about what she is looking for.

  • 4 Rosemary Clark Fisher // Sep 12, 2015 at 1:29 pm

    A woman named Helen Mae Clayton Walker was the victim of a mugging & murder on the streets of Harlem, NYC. On Good Friday in April, 1973. She is my biological mother . I have never met my mother as I was abandoned in Harlem Hosp. In 1951.Just trying to find some closure. I look just like her. My son did the research. Not sure if this is accurate information. How can I know for sure?

  • 5 Stacy Horn // Sep 12, 2015 at 6:10 pm

    I’m sorry about your mother. I’d start by getting a copy of her death certificate, which will list her cause of death. You can order her death certificate here:

  • 6 Monique Brewer // Sep 13, 2015 at 8:31 pm

    I was told that my mother Josephine Brewer was stabbed and shot and left in a New York city or New Jersey alleyway. She might not have had any I.D. on her at the time of death. She was a late 40’s to early 50 year old African American woman. She supposedly had died in the year of 2000, to 2002. Please if you can give me some closure on the death of my birth mother. Thank you.

  • 7 Stacy Horn // Sep 16, 2015 at 10:38 am

    I’m very sorry about your mother. It’s going to be very hard to track down her murder without more information, I’m afraid. You need to try to narrow down the place of her death, and when. You could try getting a hold of her death certificate. In New York they allow you to put a range if you are unsure of the date:

    I am not sure what the policy is in New Jersey, but you can find out here:

    You could also go to the library and start looking through newspapers for those years. It will be a lot of work, however. If you have never conducted a search like this before a librarian can help you. I would start with services like Proquest (available at the library). This database has old and historical newspapers that are searchable. This is a lot easier than going through microfilm. But they only have major newspapers so if you don’t find anything there you will need to switch to microfilm to search other papers. The more you can do beforehand to narrow down the date will help you. Going through microfilm is very time consuming.

    If you are able to get the date and the place, then it would be a matter of contacting the precinct which has the case. I can help you when and if you get to this point.

  • 8 kyna d // Sep 21, 2015 at 11:12 pm

    I had a friend in 1985 that was shot in the head at 16yrs old. Name was Sean Atherley from the Bronx. At one point the police had arrested a possible suspect, but because they couldn’t find the gun and the people he told would not testify against him out of fear, the guy who was the suspect was let go. I never forgot about Sean. He was my first boyfriend in high school and will always have a place in my heart. If I remember correctly he was shot April 1985 near bayChester ave.

  • 9 Stacy Horn // Sep 23, 2015 at 3:50 pm

    That is so sad. Sad for Sean to have his life so brutally cut short, and for you to experience such a loss at such a young age. I am sorry for you and for his family and friends.

    If you remember the name of the suspect you can look here to see if he ever went to prison:

  • 10 Bjean // Oct 7, 2015 at 9:09 am

    Hi- I really appreciate your site. I’m trying to find out info on a case on a murder that occurred around 2007/2008. The guy went by the name of Eddie–his last name could’ve been Skinner, because that’s the name of his adoptive mom, but I’m not sure. Anyway, he was murdered and badly mutilated in the borough of Brooklyn. They found his body in a dumpster and notified his sister, whose number he happened to have on him. Because of the sexual, obscene nature of his mutilation, I want to know if there were ever any updates. His adoptive mom is a good friend of my mom’s. The last my mom heard, the case had gone cold.

  • 11 Melissa LaBoy // Oct 7, 2015 at 11:08 pm

    My mother was murdered when I was a child in Brooklyn New York 1985. I want to know about it but I do not know how to go about finding the information on her death. I think about everyday of my life. Its a terrible secret that no one talks about. Please help my restless mind and guide me in the direction I need to go.

  • 12 Stacy Horn // Oct 9, 2015 at 8:40 am

    I’m so sorry about your mother. When was she murdered exactly, and where in Brooklyn? But if you look over on the left on this blog, where it says, GETTING HELP – CONTACTING A COLD CASE SQUAD, you’ll see: “Before You Contact a Cold Case Squad.” If you click on that you’ll see instructions I’ve written on what do to. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

  • 13 Monique Brewer // Oct 9, 2015 at 8:49 am

    Hmm, that’s awful. I really hope someone find the person or people that did this to him.

  • 14 Stacy Horn // Oct 9, 2015 at 8:52 am

    I don’t understand, if your mother is a good friend of his mother, your mother could ask her. If your mother is reluctant to bring it up because she doesn’t want to upset her, your only choice is to start researching it yourself. I would start at the library:

    Once you have gotten more information, like the date and the place, you might try calling the precinct, if you live in that precinct.

  • 15 Sadie // Oct 9, 2015 at 2:28 pm

    I just had a detective call me from the cold case homicide would like my statement….I couldn’t be more shocked. Me…why?

  • 16 Stacy Horn // Oct 9, 2015 at 2:36 pm

    I would have no way of knowing. Did you ask him or her? Do you know anyone who was murdered?

  • 17 Ray // Oct 14, 2015 at 2:29 pm

    Been looking into my father’s death New York City June 18th 1973 cant find nothing looking for obituaries can’t find out nothing Raymond Skinner

  • 18 Stacy Horn // Oct 14, 2015 at 3:20 pm

    Hello. You didn’t say what you were trying to find out, but you can request a copy of his death certificate here:

    This will give you some information about his death. I’m sorry for the loss of your father.

  • 19 Maria (Cuebas) Carey // Oct 22, 2015 at 9:26 am

    Good morning,
    Long story short as I can make it: through Ancestry found half sibling of father. After much talking back and forth it was revealed one brother (and his girl friend) murdered at age 20 in September 1970. He lived in the Bronx at the time. His name was Carlos Cuebas (Charlie nick name) and the girlfriend murdered was Lucy Gonzalez. I have nothing more so I am hoping you could give me something maybe a newspaper article or something about this murder of Carlos. Thank you for your time in this regard. It is so appreciated even if nothing can be found.

  • 20 Stacy Horn // Oct 22, 2015 at 10:44 am

    Hi. That was a little confusing. Carlos Cuebas was another brother of your father’s? What are you trying to find out exactly?

    In the meantime, you can research whether or not there were newspaper articles by going to your local library and searching using Proquest and microfilm.  If you’ve never done anything like this before, I can assure you it’s not hard to do, and the librarian can help.  Looking through microfilm takes a little more time, but not all newspapers are available through Proquest.  So start with Proquest, it’s lot easier and faster, and then move on to microfilm.

  • 21 Ingrid Davidson // Nov 17, 2015 at 10:07 pm

    I would like information on the deaths of Kuriaki Soto, Lorenzo Soto of Rock Steady Crew in June of 1991.

  • 22 Stacy Horn // Nov 18, 2015 at 3:41 pm

    What did you want to know? Are you a family member?

  • 23 Marie bercourt // Nov 18, 2015 at 9:16 pm

    my friend lives in 2028 east 177st Bronx ny.. she likes old thi.. and old story.. she wanted to know if anyone got killed in that building or if any famous people lived there

  • 24 Stacy Horn // Nov 24, 2015 at 7:36 am

    I did that with my building. It’s a little harder to find out if anyone has been killed in your building, unless it made the newspapers. But you can definitely search the history of your building and find out who lived there (famous and not famous) and if any big thing happened there.

    The easiest thing would be to go the nearest branch of the New York Public Library and search using Proquest and a database called America’s Historical Newspapers. Both are very easy to use, but the librarian can help your friend if she’s never used them before. In both cases she would type in her address and see if anything comes back (you’d want to search on various versions of the address, ie, East 177 Street or E. 177 St, etc).

    But if your friend is more ambitious, there’s a lot more she can do. The NYPL put together a page of tips to find out who lived in your building and its history, etc:

    This is the article I used when I did it:

    I had a lot of fun doing it. I searched the history of my building all the way back to the farmland it once was before being bought to build this building. But I did come across sad stories along the way, of people who died here. Many came from a woman I found who once lived here but was living in a nursing home when I found her.

  • 25 paula vialpando // Dec 1, 2015 at 12:03 pm

    Hi i was wondering if you could help me find out if some info i received is true. I was told that a man and woman were stabbed in their home in the 80’s, the named were Stan and Diane, the residence was on either 32nd street in the Bronx or 53rd. I don’t have a last name and i was told she was a heavy set woman and he was thin. Both stabbed twice in the neck, listed as a robbery. Maybe you can help me find out if it’s true or not. Thank you

  • 26 Stacy Horn // Dec 1, 2015 at 4:04 pm

    Hi. Your best bet would be to head off to your local library! I go into more detail here:

    Good luck in your research.

  • 27 still hoping // Dec 1, 2015 at 9:58 pm

    I am trying to find out if any new information has been found out about my brothers murder in Bronx River Projects in July of 1997. His name was Darryl Clinton. He was shot to death in the hallway.Suspect was arrested but no one came forward to testify against the suspect and it didn’t make it to grand jury. Cold case squad did investigate, but I haven’t heard anything in years.

  • 28 Stacy Horn // Dec 2, 2015 at 10:45 am

    Ugh. I am so sorry about your brother. You describe one of the worst situations unfortunately, when they believe they have the killer but not enough evidence to prove it. I’m sure I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know, but they don’t want to go to trial until they do because you only get one shot. Can’t try the same person twice.

    It sounds like the the cold case detective wasn’t able to uncover anything to help. Do you remember the name of the detective in the Cold Case Squad who had the case?

  • 29 Teresa croom // Dec 7, 2015 at 7:00 pm

    Yes my mother was found murdered on october 31. 2006. In the bronx at a woman’s. Shelter. Unfortunately I don’t know where is her body laid to rest atom and my family would like to know if there are any leads as to who did this to her. If they questioned mother was the type of person to give her last. No reason to kill her and where was security was that for three days left behind a shower.. We want answers.and closure..please if anyone has information please contact our family. Her name is Jeannette Sophie lynch. Born 05/31/1939 contact us at [numbers removed] thanks..

  • 30 Archie Washington // Dec 8, 2015 at 1:40 pm

    My name is Bobby Shamel Roberts Jr. I was fatally shot at the age of 21 sept. 25th, 2014. I was shot in the lobby of the bushwich brookyln housing section. I was shot in the tourso 3 times and was rushed to the hospital fighting for my life. I fought for as long as I could but I couldn’t bare the pain. I didn’t want to leave my mother, family & friends behind but now my death is a homicide. Please help me find my killer because my friends & family deserve closer.

  • 31 Stacy Horn // Dec 9, 2015 at 11:11 am

    That is so sad, I’m very sorry. What time of day did it happen? Did the police have any leads? Were there any witnesses?

  • 32 Stacy Horn // Dec 9, 2015 at 11:26 am

    Teresa, I’m so sorry about your mother. First, I took out your phone numbers from your post. I don’t think you want to have your telephone numbers posted publicly. Next, there are a number of things you can do to find out more.

    You can start by ordering a copy of her death certificate here:

    This will give you a little more information about her death. If no one claimed her body she would be buried on Hart Island. But since you don’t know either way if someone did, there are more things you can do to find out. You can request a copy of the autopsy records from the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner and that will give you even more information, and it should list the police precinct who has her case. Their number is 212-447-2030.

    From there you can contact the police precinct to find out the status of her case. If you give me address of the shelter I can look up the number of that precinct for you, but I would need to know where the shelter is/was to do that.

    If the case is cold you can contact the Cold Case Squad. I suggest reading through this link first.

    Finally, if she was buried on Hart Island you can get more information about that here:

  • 33 Kenneth // Dec 9, 2015 at 1:44 pm

    How can a citizen request to look at those cases to see any anomalies that suggests possible off duty police committing some of these murders?

  • 34 Stacy Horn // Dec 9, 2015 at 2:01 pm

    What anomalies would you be looking for exactly? Well, in any case, no one outside law enforcement and those who work with them can look at case files. If you have information about a specific case, and believe the crime was committed by someone within law enforcement, I believe your best bet would be to contact the District Attorney.

  • 35 Sharon Sims // Dec 11, 2015 at 1:05 pm

    What about cases that the jury found the defendant not guilty? Are those cases closed forever?

  • 36 Teresa croom // Dec 13, 2015 at 12:21 am

    My mother name is. Jeannette. S lynch. She was born 05/31/1939 . I believe my mother was murdered on Oct 31 2006 in new york city. Mainly Bronx or mount Vernon N.Y. her death index#is 19392006. Me and my brother are looking for answers as to. Where is her body located at. Cause of death.where did this happen at. If any leads as to who did it n why. Please help us . we asked Jacobi morgue and nothing yet

  • 37 Teresa croom // Dec 13, 2015 at 12:23 am

    Please if anyone can help us find out about my mother . I appreciate any information and leads thank you from the croom family

  • 38 Stacy Horn // Dec 13, 2015 at 10:09 am

    Teresa, I responded to your earlier post. I will also add that the death certificate and/or Medical Examiner will give you the cause and manner of her death. If her death was not deemed a homicide the police would not have opened a case.

    Here is my original post:

    You can start by ordering a copy of her death certificate here:

    This will give you a little more information about her death. If no one claimed her body she would be buried on Hart Island. But since you don’t know either way if someone did, there are more things you can do to find out. You can request a copy of the autopsy records from the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner and that will give you even more information, and it should list the police precinct who has her case. Their number is 212-447-2030.

    From there you can contact the police precinct to find out the status of her case. If you give me address of the shelter I can look up the number of that precinct for you, but I would need to know where the shelter is/was to do that.

    If the case is cold you can contact the Cold Case Squad. I suggest reading through this link first.

    Finally, if she was buried on Hart Island you can get more information about that here:

  • 39 Stacy Horn // Dec 13, 2015 at 10:11 am

    Hi again. Please see my earlier posts. I tried emailing you when you first posted but the email address you gave me didn’t work.

  • 40 Stacy Horn // Dec 13, 2015 at 10:43 am

    Sharon, very good question. They remain closed until they have another viable suspect.

  • 41 Teresa croom // Dec 13, 2015 at 11:06 am

    Thank you so much. I hope this will give us closure

  • 42 Rene Tirado // Dec 13, 2015 at 1:41 pm

    I am trying to find information on a man named Pedro Tirado who was killed on. May 11 1966 on my first birthday. He was killed in a little breakfast place in manhattan. Ny. Killed during a robbery while eating breakfast. I would like to know where he is buried… I will be 50 on the anniversary of his death. He gave me my last name when my biological father waked away..and was there ready to take on the responsibility as a father..every year that goes by ifeel like I’m missing something.. Its been almost 50 years since his death and I dont know where to pay my respects to him. Please help.

  • 43 Teshia Latham // Dec 16, 2015 at 10:24 am

    My father was kill ion 148 Lexington in 1979 by a taix driver I believe that person is still living and has not been arrested yet or has skipped the country I need help!! My father’s name is Charles Wire my name is Teshia

  • 44 Stacy Horn // Dec 16, 2015 at 7:14 pm

    I’m so sorry you lost your father. Was he hit by a car? Because those are almost never considered homicides or even manslaughter, and no one would be arrested. Let me know.

  • 45 Stacy Horn // Dec 16, 2015 at 7:20 pm

    Renee, that’s so sad that such a nice man died this way. I would start by ordering his death certificate. I wish I was more of an expert about this, but for certain years they also listed where people were buried.

    You can order a copy of his death certificate here:

    If that doesn’t have the information you need you can also request a copy of the autopsy records from the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. That will give you even more information. Their number is 212-447-2030.

  • 46 angela patricia hart // Dec 17, 2015 at 7:00 pm

    Elizabeth Murray was murdered in 1974 in new york. She was shot in her apartment. She was 24years old.

  • 47 angela patricia hart // Dec 17, 2015 at 7:04 pm

    My mother Elizabeth Murray was shot in her apartment in new York in 1974.
    I need to find resting place. I need closure. She was 24 years old

  • 48 Margaret // Dec 18, 2015 at 10:18 pm

    My Dad was shot in March and died as a result of it in August 5, 1976 this occurred when I was just 4 years old it happened in the Bronx during the son of Sam murders although not connected my Mom moved soon after and she thought the man responsible was tried and convicted but that did not occur . I called a precinct about 10 years ago to get some information and they told me no one was ever convicted?? I just want answers . The shooting occurred by the old Lincoln hospital on March 7, 1976

  • 49 Stacy Horn // Dec 19, 2015 at 5:59 pm

    Margaret, I’m sorry about your father. Were they not willing to tell you what you wanted to know? I would start by calling back, but they are not going to have the answers to your questions, they would have to research the case. Also, cases that far back would not be easily accessible. Which precinct was it?

    If there was a trial but the person wasn’t convicted the case would be closed until they had a new suspect. It could be that they simply did not have enough evidence to make a convincing case. But I’m just guessing. If there was a trial you can order transcripts (there’s a fee):

  • 50 Stacy Horn // Dec 19, 2015 at 6:05 pm

    Angela, I am very sorry about your mother. Are you asking about how to find where she was buried? This question has come up a few times recently. This is not exactly my area of expertise, but I would start by ordering her death certificate. Some list where people were buried.

    You can order a copy of his death certificate here:

    If that doesn’t have the information you need you can also request a copy of the autopsy records from the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. That will give you even more information. Their number is 212-447-2030.

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