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Entries Tagged as 'Police History'

Villa Loretta Home for Wayward Girls

January 22nd, 2006 · 1 Comment

In my book I talk about a young girl who had just gotten out of the Villa Loretta Home for Wayward Girls in Peekskill, NY, where she’d been committed when she was 16, four months after her mother died. Run by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, Villa Loretta was where you went if you […]


Tags: Police History

Murder Clearance Rates

January 6th, 2006 · Comments Off on Murder Clearance Rates

Clearance rates don’t change all that much, but it’s interesting that when the homicide rate in New York was at it’s highest, the NYPD was also solving the highest precentage of murders. (1990 was the peak for murder in New York. The murder rate started going down after that.) And now that the murder rate […]


Tags: Homicide Facts · Police History

Animal Rescue

November 7th, 2005 · Comments Off on Animal Rescue

I’m an animal lover, so these pictures of the police rescuing a horse are among the photographs I kept from the Photo Unit at One Police Plaza. At least, I hope they are rescuing a horse. They could just be pulling up a dead horse, I suppose. Before After


Tags: Police History

Catherine the Great’s Pistols

October 10th, 2005 · 2 Comments

The history of the Property Clerk Division of the NYPD isn’t pretty. I go into this in my book. They have their act together now though, and I found one story about them that I just loved. In 1982, Property Clerk personnel took a second look at two guns that were seized in a raid […]


Tags: Police History