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Entries Tagged as 'New Websites, Books and other Resources'

New Website: The Murder Book 2008

June 16th, 2008 · No Comments

Author and television producer Paul LaRosa started a blog this year called, The Murder Book 2008 [my link to it no longer works and I couldn’t find a new one], which he describes as “A record of all the murders in New York City in 2008 that appear in the city’s three daily newspapers.” I […]


Tags: New Websites, Books and other Resources

Cold Case Playing Cards

June 4th, 2008 · 1 Comment

When I first read the words “cold case playing cards” I immediately moved on. I thought they were like those serial killer cards, meant for entertainment. But this is actually a program that came out of the Broome County Sheriff’s Office, and the cards are meant for inmates who might be able to provide tips. […]


Tags: Cold Case Investigation Facts · New Websites, Books and other Resources

Cop in the Hood

March 11th, 2008 · No Comments

Peter Moskos, an Assistant Professor of Law & Police Science at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice has written a book called Cop in the Hood: My Year Policing Baltimore’s Eastern District . From George Pelecanos, writer and producer for The Wire: Cop in the Hood is a thoughtful, highly entertaining record of a […]


Tags: New Websites, Books and other Resources

New From New York Correction History Society Website

December 6th, 2007 · No Comments

The picture accompanies this article: Was Fatal NYS Prison ‘Shower Bath’ Punishment Example of Waterboarding 1858 Style? The fall 2007 U. S. Senate confirmation hearings on the nomination of Judge Michael B. Mukasey to become the Attorney General focused considerable attention on the issue of waterboarding as an interrogation technique against suspected terrorists. The rest […]


Tags: New Websites, Books and other Resources